It is very important to read and consider the following before viewing the registry:
1. It is always a problem assembling registries, to ensure the accuracy of the information. Many people (in most cases, not the original owners) in good faith, pass on details that cannot be verified with 100% accuracy. They pass on details that they believe to be true, but could well be inaccurate due to previous owner’s changing parts etc.
2. We encourage and are most appreciative of people supplying as much detail as possible. The details supplied will be checked to see if they fit into the normal pattern of cars surrounding that vehicle. If they do not fit the normal pattern, we will contact the owner and try to ascertain the reason for variation.
3. The majority of this registry is comprised of details taken from original documents from the Victorian Motor Registration Branch (MRB) (a huge thanks goes to Garry Kemm for this contribution and the hours he spent assembling them). As we can rely upon this information with as much certainty as possible (bearing in mind that these were hand-written records and therefore, errors can still occur in transcription), we have chosen to show them in red.
4. There will be cases where details have been already supplied by current owners of vehicles which are included in the MRB archives. We have superimposed the red data over information already supplied where appropriate. If this causes any conflict with details you hold, please contact us and we will gladly look into resolving any discrepancies.
5. Thanks go out to Mark Paget for the design of the spreadsheet. Mark’s original spreadsheet design had far more information provided than is currently shown. This will be progressively displayed.
6. Finally, to anybody wishing to use any of this information, please note that we do not offer any guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this registry. Whilst all care is taken, no responsibility is accepted by us. In addition, should you wish to use this information, we ask that you make reference to this website as your source of information.
The registry is displayed on an ‘Excel’ spreadsheet. It will open in a particular window (see top of page) from either YGHN3 to YHN10. To search the particular series you are interested in, use tabs marked accordingly at the bottom of each page, then scroll up and down or left and right.
PLEASE DO NOT ENTER OR ALTER ANY DETAILS ON THE SHEET AS THE INFORMATION WILL BE LOST. Please contact the website if you have any inclusions.
Depending on the internet browser you are using and its associated settings, the registry file will either automatically open as an ‘Excel’ file within your browser, or it can be downloaded to your device and opened later.
The registry is displayed on an ‘Excel’ spreadsheet. It will open in a particular window (see top of page) from either YGHN3 to YHN10. To search the particular series you are interested in, use tabs marked accordingly at the bottom of each page, then scroll up and down or left and right.
CURRENT REGISTRY (as at 14th January, 2025)